Introduction to Malware Binary Triage

IDA Edition

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The introduction to Malware Binary Triage (IMBT) course provides a comprehensive overview of the malware binary triage process. You will learn to reverse engineering and analyze real-world malware samples, including a nation state SMB worm, prolific loaders used by cybercriminals and a ransomware variant that has been used to attack critical infrastructure. This version of IMBT uses IDA for static analysis of native Windows binaries.

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Created by

Joshua Reynolds

Founder, Invoke RE
Joshua Reynolds is the founder of Invoke RE. Joshua has over ten years of reverse engineering, malware analysis and security experience working for industry leading companies. He has spoken at major conferences such as RSA, DEF CON and Virus Bulletin on topics including ransomware and malicious document analysis. He has also co-developed a malware analysis course that is being taught at an academic institution semi-annually.